Sunday, 19 April 2020

5-point Manifesto for Economic Change After the Covid-19 Crisis, Building on #degrowth Principles

170 Dutch academics put together a 5-point manifesto for economic change after the C19 crisis, building on #degrowth principles. It has gone viral in Dutch media.

Below is a summary of the points in English provided by -

  1. Shift from an economy focused on aggregate GDP growth to differentiate among sectors that can grow and need investment (critical public sectors, and clean energy, education, health) and sectors that need to radically degrow (oil, gas, mining, advertising, etc).
  2. Build an economic framework focused on redistribution, which establishes a universal basic income, a universal social policy system, a strong progressive taxation of income, profits and wealth, reduced working hours and job sharing, and recognizes care work.
  3. Transform farming towards regenerative agriculture based on biodiversity conservation, sustainable and mostly local and vegetarian food production, as well as fair agricultural employment conditions and wages.
  4. Reduce consumption and travel, with a drastic shift from luxury and wasteful consumption and travel to basic, necessary, sustainable and satisfying consumption and travel.
  5. Debt cancellation, especially for workers and small business owners and for countries in the global south (both from richer countries and international financial institutions).'

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Doughnut Economics



  1. Kate Raworth, Exploring Doughnut Economics,
  2. Introducing the Amsterdam City Doughnut,
  3. The Welsh Doughnut 2020: A framework for environmental sustainability and social justice,

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Filsafat Ekonomi Islam

Status : Draft 

Tulisan ini dibuka dengan renungan dari Pak Eko B.S media sosialnya :

ada perbedaan mendasar antara
membangun ekonomi yang sesuai al Quran pada tataran filsafat
merebut ekonomi pasar dan kapitalisme agar dikuasai Muslim
Islam membolehkan pengelolaan kapital
selama tidak melanggar apa yang dilarang seperti maisyir, gharar dan riba 
Tetapi kapitalisme sebagai ideologi adalah ttg menjadikan capital gain sebagai niat atau tujuan 
Titik yang sekarang berjalan sebagai kompromi adalah bagaimana mencapai capital gain sebagai niat
tetapi dengan jalan yang tidak melanggar syariah 
Keduanya berpadu dalam apa yang dikenal sebagai ekonomi syariah. Nama lain untuk kapitalisme syariah. 
Tidak melanggar syariah. Tapi terkait tujuannya ... apakah tujuan Islam sama dengan tujuan kapitalisme? 
Kita masih harus berjalan lagi menemukan dimana ekonomi Islam itu ... 


  1.  Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism - with Benedikt Koehler,
  2. Kemiskinan,
  3. What is Islamic Finance?,